Statcounter is an online service which helps us to understand our visitors; for example, how visitors find our website, how long they spend on our site, which web pages they are most interested in etc. We use Statcounter because better understanding how visitors are interacting with our website helps us to improve the content, design and functionality of our site. This allows us to offer a better online experience to our visitors.
Statcounter uses cookies and other technologies to collect data on visitors and visitor activity on our website. This data includes:
Furthermore, when you visit our website a Statcounter cookie (called "is_unique") may be placed in your browser. This cookie is used only to determine whether you are a first-time or returning visitor and to estimate unique visits to the site.
You can learn more about cookies from Statcounter and set your browser to refuse same here:
For further details, please see the Statcounter privacy policy the: